The joy of living in Israel is the stimulation of the place. It opens up your curious mind to fascinating challenges and discoveries. It makes your being an intellectual stimulation.
There are discoveries of the new Israeli inventiveness and innovation. The discovery of our past comes with constant news of archaeological finds that link Jews and Christians of today with our ancestors from the past. These discoveries cement our Jewish heritage and belonging to the land.
There are the sudden surprises of learning about the Secret Jews, people who, due to Catholic and Islamic persecution, have lived for centuries in fear, hidden from view. Many have buried their Jewishness under the guise of adopted other faiths that have become ingrained with the passage of time, while others have the echoes of their origins speaking to them from the past and now, through the wonders of internet, they can research their family roots. Some reach out to Israel with information and for information of their family saga of dispersion and suppression. Others, suddenly aware of who they are as if awakening from a troubled slumber, come to Israel to take up their identity in an open and fearless new home.
My joy of living in Israel includes encouraging people to take up Israel's just cause in a threatening world. I write, I speak, I act. I reach out to others to become active for Israel. I give them the tools, the words, the facts, that enables them to be diplomats, advocates, for Israel.
I am looking forward to my trip to South Africa, frequently a source of anti-Israeli activity, in late February and early March, to meet people in Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, and in Cape Town and share with them the message and contents of my book, "Israel - Reclaiming the Narrative" which is a constant source of information to help people to make the case for Israel against our enemies.
My book will be released soon in America and in Britain when AuthorHouse make it available to 25,000 resellers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Waterstones.
I hope, like me, that Israel stimulates you to become curious and act to re-establish Israel on the high ground of moral values and public opinion where it rightly belongs.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Here in Israel and around the world, we have been working steadily to build a global network of support for the world Christian center on the Sea of Galilee, The Galilean. This is the for-profit Resort and Spa,, and the separate entity of the not-for-profit 501c3 organization of The Galilean Campus,
Our mission is to celebrate faith, honor God and bless Israel, and we encourage all supporters of Zion to visit our web sites, and see what God has planned.
We have completed the video on the Land Sponsorship program for The Campus, which is dedicating 1 sq ft of land in a person's name for $100. We want to give all Christians an opportunity to have a bond with Israel -- a footprint in the land, and to participate in fulfilling Biblical prophecy. We believe this will be a wonderful Christmas present for children and grandchildren, and loved ones. Celebrating our faith and blessing Israel fits in well with the advent of Christmas.
I hope you will enjoy it and understand our desire to honor God in all we are doing. I would appreciate it if you could put this video on your web site, facebook, or send it out to all your contacts as a way to promote the Galilean, and bless Israel.
We are also reaching out to major investors who will help us purchase and develop the land on which we have an option to build this wonderful and unique project.
Please let us know if this interests you and how we can work together to make this project a reality.
Let's not miss this opportunity to make a special contribution to fulfilling a biblical prophecy in the Holy Land,
Meanwhile, many blessings for you in this joyous season,
Friday, 23 December 2011
The Jewish Spring and Channukah.
Dan Diker is the Secretary-General of the World Jewish Congress. He was invited to address the Netanya Supporters of Laniado Hospital at the Young Israel Synagogue, on December 4, 2011.
Here is his speech;
It is fitting that we are meeting in this synagogue in celebration of the soul of Laniado Hospital. Laniado is the only hospital in Israel whose creation is the result of the vision of one of the great rabbinic scholars of the 20th century. Rabbi Halberstam spent days and nights in shuls like this. He is the soul and spirit of Laniado Hospital. An Arab patient choked back tears as he described how wonderfully the doctors and nurses treated him, as they treat every other patient in the hospital. Dr. Abdul al-Yechieh, a doctor in the Laniado emergency room, also spoke about “being part of the family.” In that sense the hospital is unique. However, in a broader sense, this is what Israel is at its best. Saving lives is so much a function of what Reb Halberstadt was in his life and how he turned the tragedy of the loss of his eleven children and his wife to the murderous machinery of the Nazis into one of the most beautiful life protecting and life giving institutions in Israel.
Though it is unique, on any given day it is what Israel and the Jewish people are at their very best. There is a larger story here because the “neshama”, the soul of the rabbi, and the” neshama” of the community he created reflects something about Israel that I would call “The Jewish Spring.”
You know a lot about the Arab Spring. You’ve read about it in the newspapers. What about the Jewish Spring? What is the Jewish Spring?
The Jewish Spring is the affirmation of the particular narrative of the Jewish people. It is the affirmation and reassertion of our memory, our rights, where we are today, what our destiny is, our claims, and the universal sense that the Jewish Spring is the essence of human rights and civil rights. The language of human rights that is used against us, against the Jewish people, against the State of Israel – is our language. It is the essence of what the Jewish Spring really is.
The Jewish Spring is about Israel absorbing 8,000 Sudanese refugees – Arab Muslim refugees fleeing genocide at the hands of other Arab Muslims by walking hundreds of kilometers to come to the only state in the region that they knew would save them – the Jewish state.
You need to see the report that came from Tel Aviv, from William Stephens, a South Sudan refugee and the head of the Sudanese community in Tel Aviv, who danced with the Israeli flag in his left hand, and the new flag of South Sudan in his right hand, when South Sudan announced as the 193rd member of the United Nations. What he said in Tel Aviv that night was that his prayer was that South Sudan would be as free, democratic, and open, as the State of Israel that had been his home for five years. That’s the Jewish Spring.
The Jewish Spring is when the State of Israel flies over a hundred thousand Ethiopians from certain death in a civil war to a new life and to a new hope in Israel. No country in the free world can take credit for that. In fact, we know what happens when Western countries go to Africa, which is not to liberate people from that continent. That is what makes the Jewish Spring uniquely special and unique to us.
I must share with you that in meetings with Arab officials they told me privately about their astonishment at the sight of three or four hundred thousand Israelis standing in Rabin Square protesting for a better economic life, for better housing prices, for the possibility of moving forward, without the threat of arrest, without violence, without bloodshed. Those Arab diplomats and officials told me how they watch their own TV and see a totally different reality on their streets. “How is it possible that nothing happens in your country when people demonstrate and protest?” they ask. “What is the trick?” Another diplomat turned to me and said, “That is what a free country is.” A free country is one that allows the people to sound off, to let some steam out, and to be able to do it without fear of reprisal. Even when ten thousand Jews were torn away from their homes in Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip, they went without raising a hand against the army and security forces of Israel, despite the enormous pain of those people who, for three generations, had lived there. It was an example to the world of a nation that accepts upon itself to be a free and democratic country.
Our Arab neighbours, who I have met, are noticing their own troubles. Even the media is calling the situation in Arab countries a cold spring, a winter, and even colder than that. Someone suggested it should be called “the winter of the Muslim discontent.” Clearly the Arab world is very anxious as the hope of an Arab Spring that it would be rooted in the same democracy that we see rooted in Netanya, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem, and throughout this great country, has not come to the region.
In fact, the opposite is happening. Sixty percent of the votes in the first round of elections in Egypt went to radical Islamic parties. The Muslim Brotherhood took 40% and the Salafists, affiliated with Al-Qaida, have 20%. The analysts are saying it is just the beginning, that when they get to the higher houses in Egypt, and to the next two rounds of elections, we can expect that it will not be a liberal or a secular government in that country. The Muslim Brotherhood has not only strengthened its hand in Egypt. The Brotherhood and the Islamist parties are emerging in places we never imagined they would appear. Never mind Syria. Never mind Lebanon. Never mind Hamas, as the first Muslim Brotherhood de-facto state in the region. What about Morocco and Tunisia, which Western thinkers are calling “moderate Muslim Brotherhood” actors? This is the perception that the Muslim Brotherhood has always tried to create, that through elections, what they call “political Islam”, they will emerge victorious.
Those of us who are lucky enough to know what democracy really is, are aware that elections are clearly the last step in a multi-step process in building a free society from the ground up. That is not what is happening in our region, where is Iran in complete control of Lebanon as a proxy state, and of Hamas, despite Hamas being Sunni and Iran Shia. You may have read that the head of the Al-Quds Revolutionary Guard in Iran, the one who sent the force to break into the British Embassy in Tehran, said that if the United States and Israel and the rest of the West did not understand, there is not one Iran in the region. There are twelve Irans throughout the Middle East.
This is not to say that, if we did tell them of our history, the propaganda would stop but, nonetheless, there would be a strong counterweight against it. Dr. el-Sharif, a real friend of Israel, paid for that friendship with his life when he became the Egyptian Ambassador to Iraq. He was kidnapped by Al-Qaida and murdered. He paid for his friendship very dearly.
We can learn from the Arab upheaval. Look at the political will and determination of the people in the Arab street. I learned from a Palestinian friend, who was one of the senior members of the Palestinian Authority in charge of security forces. At that time, there was an attempt to create a Jordanian-Palestinian federation, which would be a preferable solution to the notion of forcing several hundred thousand Jews out of Judea and Samaria. My Palestinian colleague, with whom I went to Washington, would pray five times a day. His timing was curious because within ten minutes of every important meeting he would pray, and we were constantly late for these meetings. I said to him, “Could you pray just a few minutes earlier?” Not wanting to be late, I tried to prevail upon him to pray a little bit earlier so that we could get to these meetings on time. He said, “Nothing is more important than prayer. The White House is not more important. The President is not more important. The Vice-President is not more important.” I just had to be a bit more patient, and I was.
When we returned to Israel there was a follow-up meeting in Ramallah. I went there as I had many times before. When I would go to Ramallah I would not wear my kippa. I would take it off and put it in my back pocket as we would be picked up by Palestinian Authority security and driven at about 190km an hour in a 30km zone and arrive in Ramallah. These meetings were held with the founding generation of the PLO, its Fatah faction. It was about 16:45 in the afternoon in the winter and time for Mincha prayers. I had a choice to make. Would I put on the kippa in the headquarters of the Fatah commander and his PLO buddies and risk my life, or would I not pray and simply let it go. The reality show personality in me took the decision to pray. I thought that if I lived through this experience I could then tell about it to a group of friends like you. So, I took this little prayer book, put on my kippa, and asked the PLO staff which way was al-Quds. One said one way, the other said another way. They started to argue. The sun was going down before they decided on the general direction. They sent me into the dining room, next to the running machine, and I started to pray towards Jerusalem, to the west, because Ramallah is to the north east of Jerusalem. I prayed – fast. They kept quiet, and I returned to the meeting, leaving the kippa on my head. My Palestinian friend asked, “Have you finished praying?”, and I said yes. And he asked, “Can we continue our meeting?”, and I said yes. From that incident I understood something that I had not understood before. When he prayed in Washington, he never had trouble with the notion of taking off his keffiya, never had trouble with the notion of being late for a meeting, and never had trouble with my praying in his hometown either. When we talk about the Jewish Spring, it is important to be assertive, self-confident, and proud. That was the moment that I will always remember – the respect, or in Arab terms, the honour, he accorded me as a believer in my own history, faith, and destiny.Our Jewish Spring is not new, as we all know. It began with a revolution three thousand years ago. In fact, with all the human rights’ talk by our opponents, and by others who do not wish us well, we are the custodians of human rights and civil rights, which are but two aspects of the Jewish Spring. Three thousand years ago it was a reluctant prophet named Moshe who approached a cruel Egyptian tyrant, Pharoah, and demanded freedom for his people under law and liberty. It was the first time in history that anyone was successful in demanding a dictator to grant independence, freedom, sovereignty, liberty, and justice under law. It was that defining moment between Moshe and Pharoah that would become the paradigm for all the liberation movements for freedom and independence in the world as we know it today. What an inheritance!
It was that unlikely moment that we celebrate every spring – the Jewish Spring – at Pesach. It forms the underpinning to the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and other movements for freedom. It is important for us to talk about human rights and the Jewish custodianship over human rights. Human rights and civil rights are gifts that Jews have given the world. It was a Jew who denounced the word “genocide” and came up with the original language of the UN Genocide Convention of 1948. The Rome Statute on Universal Jurisdiction was also drafted by a Jew. Human rights and civil rights are Jewish gifts to the world, part of the Jewish Spring.
Why is it so important to talk about the Jewish Spring? Because our human rights, including our rights as people to sovereignty, our self-definition, is under threat. It is under threat by the Arab Spring with the anti-Semitic – not anti-Israel per se – comments and invective coming out of Tahrir Square. Five thousand people in Egypt, just the other day, called for killing the Jews.
Even more than that, we face a bigger problem.
These are very trying times for our legitimacy due to the actions of the PA. UNESCO’s acceptance of the renaming of the Cave of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron as a mosque, and the renaming and acceptance of the renaming of the Rachel’s Tomb near Bethlehem as a mosque, accepted by the international community, is a fundamental eraser, a trampling not only of our rights, but also the rights of the Christians and their understanding of what they call the Old Testament and those holy sites which are, to them, holy as well.
Let me leave you with this short story. Three years ago in Rome I attended a conference. I was there with Natan Sharansky, the dissident who survived seven years of solitary confinement in Siberia for being a Jew, and the former Deputy Prime Minister of Israel. It was the last night of Chanukah and we were in a hotel near the Pantheon. There were Italians, Americans, and Israelis; all of us Jews. We all huddled into Natan’s room to light the final candle. A debate broke out in the room. Should we light it in the room, or on the windowsill? There was a long discussion over what we should do in that situation. Natan Sharansky said, “I suffered years of sitting alone, so put it in the windowsill.” The room was on the second floor and there was a stream of people passing by outside. Not Jews – Romans. He lit the candles where everyone could see and we all went downstairs to watch the menorah in its light and glory. Natan said, “That’s freedom!” That is what the Jewish Spring is all about, our freedom.
What we have overcome in the past we shall overcome in the future with our “neshama” of the Rebbe and the great work that his vision created at Laniado Hospital. Laniado Hospital, the Jewish people, and the nation state of the Jewish people, have one “neshama.” Let’s all put that chanukiah, that menorah, on the windowsill and think of the freedom that we have all fought to defend.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Gingrich is right. The Palestinian Arabs are an invented people, and Israel is the victim of this fraud.
Newt Gingrich's comments may be startling to many in the States but it is not surprising for Israelis, especially those of us who have been advocating Israel's arguments for years.
The Palestinians are constantly delegitimizing Israel yet were shocked by a voice from America, who is a leading candidate to be the next US President, telling the world that the Palestinian Arabs are an invented people.
The Palestinians are indeed an invented people. Even Arabs have said so. Azmi Bashara was an Arab Member of the Israeli Knesset who fled Israel when charged with treason against the State. In 1994 he said "I think there is an Arab nation. I do not think there is a Palestinian nation. I think it's a colonialist invention. When were they any Palestinians? Until the 19th Century, Palestine was the south of greater Syria."
In my book ISRAEL - RECLAIMING THE NARRATIVE I quote the Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul Hadi who, in 1937, told the United Nations Peel Commission "There is no such country as Palestine. Palestine is a term the Zionists invented. Palestine is alien to us. Our land was, for hundreds of years, a part of Syria." So, there is the link between the Arabs of the 1930s and the Arabs as recently as 1994.
Allow me to quote other Arabs voices from my book that resonate in agreement with Newt Gingrich.
In 1946, Philip Hitti, Princeton's Arab professor of Middle East history, told the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, "It's common knowledge that there is no such thing as Palestine in history."
In his testimony before the same committee, the Arab Professor Juhan Hazam said, "Before 1917, when Balfour made his declaration, there had never been a Palestinian question, and there was no Palestine as a political or geographical unit."
The founder of the PLO itself, Ahmed Shukari, declared at the podium of the United Nations in 1956 that "such a creature as Palestine does not exist at all." In 2011, it was the turn of Mahmoud Abbas to address the United Nations in an effort to have them declare statehood for a country that, fifty five years earlier, the UN members had been told did not exist.
When it came to delegitimizing Israel, the Arabs were prepared to denounce Palestine as having any political, nationalistic, relevance. Now, having lost seven Arab wars to annihilate the Jewish State, it became useful to invent a Palestinian identity beginning in the late 60s. As proof of that, Walid Shoebatt, who was a former PLO terrorist, acknowledged the lie he had been fighting for when he asked, "Why is it that on June 4th, 1967, I went to bed as a Jordanian and woke up as a Palestinian? We considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then, all of a sudden, we were Palestinians."
Even Yasser Arafat, the so-called founding father of the Palestinian cause, admitted in 1970 to Italian journalist, Arianna Palazzi, that "The question of borders doesn't interest us. Palestine is nothing but a drop in an enormous ocean. Our nation is the Arabic nation. The PLO is fighting Israel in the name of Pan-Arabism. What you call Jordan is nothing more than Palestine."
His admission was correct. It was established by the British on 77% of the land promised to the Jewish people by the League of Nations in 1922, to be their National Homeland.
The "Palestinian People" is an anthropological fabrication, an invention. A deception, as described by Feisal Husseni after the 1993 Oslo Accords, as a "Trojan Horse" for conquering the land of Israel.
The object of this propaganda campaign is to blot out and forget the name and identity of the ancient biblical Eretz Israel, and to transform it into the land of "the Palestinian people", an invention fabricated by Arab propaganda and widely adopted by the international community who have pumped billions of dollars that have succeeded in turning Israel into the victim of the most unprecedented fraud in modern political history.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
The Mugrabi Bridge is the ugly, rickety, construction of wooden slats hinged to a scaffold frame that allows people to gain access to the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. It was built as a temporary structure following the collapse of the original embankment on February 14 in the winter of 2004 due to rainstorms, snow, and a minor earthquake.
When the temporary structure was being erected, following Islamic threats against any Israel construction that would touch the area of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, UNESCO visited Jerusalem in 2007 to inspect the excavations and preparations being done by Israel to erect a replacement bridge to the Temple Mount. Their report absolved Israel of any wrongdoing.
In February 2007, UNESCO dispatched a delegation to inspect the excavations at the Mughrabi Ascent and, on 12 March 2007, the delegation's report was published. The report determined that "no work is being conducted inside the Haram al-Sharif [Temple Mount], nor is there anything in the nature of the works being performed at this stage that could constitute a threat to the stability of the Western Wall and the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
UNESCO further determined that "the work area ends at a distance of approximately 10 meters from the Western Wall." Delegation members also noted that the work is performed with light equipment, picks and shovels, and it is supervised and documented according to professional standards." "The Jerusalem Municipality," notes the delegation, "is responsible for planning and construction in the Old City, as well as for the infrastructure and its maintenance including the planning and construction of the new ascent.”
Construction of the temporary bridge that allowed access to the Temple Mount led to widespread Muslim rioting in Jordan and Jerusalem with calls for a third intifada.
The temporary walkway has been coming under increasing stress causing the walkway to be in
dangerous condition and a high risk to people using it as well as those in the immediate area in
case of collapse of this unsafe structure.
On 22 May 2011, Jerusalem Municipal Engineer Shlomo Eshkol sent a written warning to the
Western Wall Heritage Foundation demanding, by virtue of his legal authority, that the temporary bridge be dismantled quickly and the permanent bridge be built as soon as possible.
"The temporary bridge," Eshkol wrote, "is not intended to provide a permanent solution and is unsuitable to security and civilian needs. It might prove a danger due to its deficient physical state, and action should be taken to stop using it and to destroy it.”
He recommended replacing it with a permanent structure to allow access to the Temple Mount, known to the Muslims as Harem al Sharif. Eshkol's opinion was shared by security bodies who warned of a possible disaster.
The scenarios sketched by the security forces described an incident where hundreds of policemen ascend to the Temple Mount simultaneously, in response to a security incident or a public disturbance that regularly occur there and, as a result, the wooden bridge (currently supported by iron scaffolding) falls down and collapses into the women's prayer area at the Western Wall. The potential result of such a scenario could be scores of fatalities among the policemen and the praying women.
A similar scenario described the collapse of the bridge while large groups of tourists stand or walk on it. It has been described as unsafe and a fire hazard. As many as ten million people a year visit the area.
Safety, it seems, does not figure in the protests started by Palestinian Arab leaders. Instead, they intend to make the dismantling of this dangerous structure into a worldwide religious conflict by Muslim against Jew.
Palestinian Authority spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudaineh, said the decision to close the bridge was designed to scuttle international efforts to revive the peace process.
“This is a violent act that amounts to a declaration of religious war on the Muslim holy places in Jerusalem,” screamed Hamas spokesman, Fawzi Barhum.
These are just two of the growing anti-Israel, even anti-Semitic, condemnation. Muslim rioting and violence against Jewish targets is waiting in the wings. Like most of the expletives emanating from Ramallah and Gaza it is full of sound and fury signifying nothing more than blind hatred over reason and rationality.
They would have us believe that it is, as one Palestinian Arab said, “a Zionist scheme of aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque.” In other words, it’s the Jews declaring war against the Muslims.
Like all their false and hysterical statements you only have to scratch a little below the surface to uncover the truth.
The Mugrabi Bridge does not give entry to Islamic holy places to Muslims. It is strictly an entry point to the Temple Mount for non Muslims. It enables tourists and Jews to visit the famous site. Muslims have a variety of access points that allow them entry to their religious shrines. So, no Muslim is prevented from gaining admittance to their important mosques by the closing of this temporary bridge.
The Palestinians are making noise against Israel not to touch the shaky bridge to win religious and political points. They are also aware that, if there will be a terrible accident when the walkway collapses, no Muslims will be hurt, only Jews and Christians, and Israel will bear the brunt of the blame for not taking measures to ensure the safety of the bridge users. For them, this would be a win-win situation, even if people died or were seriously injured.
There is no Jewish war against Islam. There is, as there has always been, a genuine Israeli desire to construct a permanent entrance not only to Muslims, but to Jews, Christians, and others, who wish to visit and pay their respects to an area that is important to all three of the world’s major faiths.
Israel has been prevented from contributing a positive solution to this problem that will not infringe on Muslim or Jewish sensitivities by the Islamic world that, as usual, turn any event into a negative and destructive dialogue against the Jewish state.
Thursday, 8 December 2011

THE GALILEAN World Christian Center on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
I am delighted to be involved in this much needed Center that will create future harmony between Christians and Jews and give both religions further mutual respect and recognition.
The Galilean Resort & Campus is to be constructed at the most awe-inspiring , untouched , and beautiful, spots on earth, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Now you can be involved in the creation of this spiritual center.
After 2,000 years an unprecedented moment in history is taking place – the fulfillment of Isaiah 9:1.
“He shall make it glorious, by way of the sea, on the other side of the Jordan, Galilee of the Nations.”
Now you, personally, can have a direct impact on Israel. You can be a part of God’s promises, and fulfill Biblical prophecy.
Rising on the northwest shores of the Sea of Galilee, The Galilean Campus will give you and millions of other Christians the opportunity of a lifetime to experience God’s presence in a powerful way.
Here, millions of Christians will walk the land of the Bible, where Jesus fed the five thousand, gave the Sermon on the Mount, healed the sick, stilled the raging storm and told his disciples, “I will make you ‘fishers of men’”.
Now, you can sow into The Galilean. Leave your footprint in the land of the Galilee. You will bless Israel, and give others the opportunity to have a mountaintop experience with God.
The land of The Galilean Campus is being apportioned by square foot parcels. For $100, you can sponsor one square foot of this sacred land right on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
You will receive a Certificate of Dedication in your name or in the names of your family and loved ones, along with a Galilean Stone of Remembrance, gathered from the land and individually carved with the number of your parcel.
Hold your Remembrance Stone in your hand as you pray for the peace of Israel.
The Galilean Campus is the first world center in Israel designed for Christians for worship, Bible study and educational, cultural and spiritual enrichment.
• Outdoor amphitheater seating 2,500
• House of Worship, designed as 1st century synagogue in Jesus’ time
• Educational complex
• Auditorium for the performing arts, seating 1200
• Conference center
• Fully equipped broadcasting center
• Campus facilities constructed of Jerusalem and Galilean stone.
• Beautifully landscaped Biblical gardens
• Architectural design replicating a first century village with stone walkways, wrought-iron balconies, and gazebos.
Partner with us and dedicate this land. Millions of Christians will experience a spiritual renewal through fellowship, faith-based activities and study programs, learning more about Israel and her people.
For $100, you can sponsor one square foot of this sacred land right on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
Do not send me money. If you wish to join this amazing spiritual experience by dedicating $100 for your personal contribution to the Galilean World Christian Center on the shores of the Sea of Galilee please send your name, address, email address, and phone number to me at and I will arrange the contact between you and the inspirational leaders of this wonderful project.
Barry Shaw, The View from Israel.
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