Thursday 27 November 2014
The Pig-Headed BDS Movement.
The incident that got BDS banned from demonstrating at Woolworths stores in South Africa was when members of a political party in support of BDS trespassed into one of the stores and placed pigs heads in what they thought was the kosher foods section.
What kosher food has to do with a cynical anti-Israel provocation was clear to everyone. Kosher means Jewish. Jewish means Israel. BDS is anti-Semitic.
BDS in South Africa has a number of Muslims among its hierarchy. They recruit support from thousands of Muslims in that country who despise the Jewish state of Israel which they view as an abomination against the Islamic will.
It was against this backdrop that the porky protest flopped - badly.
The ignorant anti-Israel idiots thought they had placed the pigs heads in the kosher section. They photoed themselves holding the heads in triumph, grinningly exposing themselves to publicity. But they had made a huge mistake. Instead of being in the kosher food section they were in the halal section where they had unkoshered the Muslim food shelves with pigs.
The Muslim community had broadly supported this act only to be horrified to learn that their food supply had been defiled. The swine!
Ah well. That's what you get when you are pig-headed.
Tuesday 25 November 2014
The Ferguson incident as a metaphor for Israel.
Provocative as it may sound, the Ferguson incident is a
metaphor for Israel’s problems in the world. Let me explain.
From an outsider’s viewpoint, Michael Brown was a young hoodlum
who violently robbed a local store in Ferguson, Missouri, violently attacked a
police officer and tried to grab his gun, and finally charged the officer when
challenged to submit. The office fired and killed Brown when he felt his life
was in danger. His decision to fire was clearly based on the violence on his
person he had just experienced. Given the
evidence, this was the behavior of an aggressive petty criminal. In this case
the issue became one of race. Brown was a black. The officer was white. Because
of this, the incident took on a different and ugly life of its own.
Brown’s death resulted in demonstrations, violence, and demands
that the officer be put on trial for murder. According to many vocal
protesters, nothing short of Officer Daryl Wilson being found guilty and
sentenced for racist crimes would soothe the black community.
Cries of justice for Michael Brown drowned out any call for
justice for the police officer. No justice for Officer Wilson would be too much
justice. The black community of Ferguson was joined in their violent protests
by outsiders who insisted that Officer Wilson be charged and found guilty. No
other verdict would do. The facts became smudged. Michael Brown was portrayed
as the innocent victim of a brutal police regime. Evidence to the contrary
became irrelevant to them. “Don’t confuse me with the truth!” was the
cry on the streets of Ferguson, and around black America.
A Grand Jury, reviewing the evidence and calling up to
seventy witnesses, in a reasonable, open-minded manner found the officer
innocent of committing any crime and having operated according to the law in self-defense.
This decision was met with a massive and angry outburst of rioting. Shots were fired;
stores were looted, destroyed, and burnt to the ground, as were vehicles. One
demonstrator reportedly said, “We are doing this for Michael Brown.”
Across America noisy crowds came out in sympathy for Brown,
the guy who had strong-armed a store owner and robbed him, the guy who had attacked
a police officer and threatened him a second time when asked to submit. Demonstrators
as far afield as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland, Philadelphia, and St.
Louis marched to protest that this young man was an innocent victim of police
brutality and racism. All this was irrespective to the fact that the majority
of witnesses were, themselves, black people. For them, anything the police
officer would have done to protect himself against a violent assailant, who was
taller and heavier than himself, would have been illegitimate. None of them
looked on Michael Brown as the aggressor.
Simply put, in places like Ferguson, they can’t be wrong
even when they are wrong. They were in denial and rejected justice for the white
officer. As such, this was racism. It was reverse racism. It was black racism
against a white police officer who was attacked while going about his duty, on
his own, and under threat for his life. We witnessed the frenzy of hatred and
the resultant violence it left in its wake.
Now view this scenario from a Middle East perspective. The
police officer was Israel, the violent section of Ferguson were Palestinians,
and the major American centers that rowdily demonstrated for Brown and rejected
justice for the officer were the pro-Palestinian activists who ignore justice
for Israel and who don’t want to hear Israel’s rightful claims or to admit that
Israel is facing an enemy that is advancing on it in a threatening manner.
Justice for the Palestinians drowns out any call for justice, and a voice, for
Israel. No amount of facts and truth will silence their false accusations,
insults, racism charges and, if all else fails, violence.
Police Officer Daryl Wilson, seen through these eyes, is a
metaphor for an Israel under unreasonable, hateful, racist, attack by people
who will not be soothed until Israel is charged, sentenced, and found guilty of
crimes it did not commit. No jury would satisfy the angry “cop hating” mobs
of Ferguson. No jury will satisfy the angry “Jew hating” mobs around the
The reverse racism experienced in Israel is one of being accused of being a racist state while having the worst kind of racism hurled at the Jewish state, that is the racism of anti-Semitism practised by all strands of the Palestinian political and religious spectrum and supported by their supporters.
The reverse racism experienced in Israel is one of being accused of being a racist state while having the worst kind of racism hurled at the Jewish state, that is the racism of anti-Semitism practised by all strands of the Palestinian political and religious spectrum and supported by their supporters.
As demonstrators chanted across Europe and America last
summer, “We are all Hamas now!” No amount of reason or evidence will
fall on their deaf ears. To them, Police Officer Israel is guilty as charged and must be
Both Officer Wilson and Israel must be indicted, they demand..
In Ferguson, the mob is angry and will not be assuaged until
Wilson is behind bars. In the Middle East, the mob is angry and will not be
assuaged until Israel is no more.
Barry Shaw is the author of ‘Israel Reclaiming the
Monday 24 November 2014
Israel - the National Home of the Jewish People.
Those who say they believe in Two States for Two Peoples yet oppose the realisation of Israel as the national home of the Jewish people are dangerous liars.
Those that say they are for a Two State solution but oppose the notion of Israel as the national home of the Jewish people are dangerous liars.
They say they are for democracy but what they are really proposing is the end of Israel for once you accept the rights of a Palestinian people without recognising the rights of the Jewish people you are calling for a One State solution.
This will come about once a Palestinian state is established which will then call for the liberation of the rest of their Palestine in place of what is left of a non-Jewish Israel.
Israel can be the national home of the Jewish people and retain its democracy.
Israel can be the national home of the Jewish people, retaining its national Jewish symbols, the Menorah, its national anthem, its flag, its major Jewish holidays, its Hebrew language, its eternal Jewish capital, and still be a liberal democratic state, It is the acceptance of this that will herald peace. It is the rejection of this that has, and will, maintain the conflict.
Until Israel's enemies will come to appreciate and accept the notion of Israel as the national state of the Jewish people there will be no peace.
This is the rock of Israel's existence. There is no negotiations on this basic condition for peace.
Those that say they are for a Two State solution but oppose the notion of Israel as the national home of the Jewish people are dangerous liars.
They say they are for democracy but what they are really proposing is the end of Israel for once you accept the rights of a Palestinian people without recognising the rights of the Jewish people you are calling for a One State solution.
This will come about once a Palestinian state is established which will then call for the liberation of the rest of their Palestine in place of what is left of a non-Jewish Israel.
Israel can be the national home of the Jewish people and retain its democracy.
Israel can be the national home of the Jewish people, retaining its national Jewish symbols, the Menorah, its national anthem, its flag, its major Jewish holidays, its Hebrew language, its eternal Jewish capital, and still be a liberal democratic state, It is the acceptance of this that will herald peace. It is the rejection of this that has, and will, maintain the conflict.
Until Israel's enemies will come to appreciate and accept the notion of Israel as the national state of the Jewish people there will be no peace.
This is the rock of Israel's existence. There is no negotiations on this basic condition for peace.
Thursday 20 November 2014
Media in the service of Israel’s enemies.
Gross distortions in media
coverage of the recent Jerusalem synagogue massacre, coming so soon after the
gross media distortions in the Gaza conflict, in both cases leaves a feeling of
a media that hits on Israel while giving Palestinian terror a free pass. It
leads us to ask why?
Try some of these major Western
media headlines and feeds to understand the bias of what you would assume to be
leading professional media outlets;
Initial BBC headlines shouted, “Jerusalem
synagogue attack kills 4 Israelis.” No Palestinians, no terrorists, it was
a synagogue that killed Israelis, not even identifying the victims killed as
Jews, or Palestinian Arabs as the perpetrators.
It was blindingly obvious to
everyone that this slaughter of Jews at prayer was a terror incident but the BBC
had to qualify their report by tagging on the preface, “What police say was
a ‘terror attack’…” hinting that the definition of the attacks was defined
by the police and not what the evidence clearly showed.
CBC Canada tweeted, “Israeli
police fatally shoot two after an apparent synagogue attack.” Why was the
attack only “apparent” and not obvious to CBC? And what happened to the
identity of the attackers and, of course, the missing murdered Jews? How many
were there and how were they killed? You wouldn't know from their headline. The
lingering impression is that it was the Israeli police that did the killing.
They were the only ones named by CBC.
CNN led their report with “4
Israelis, 2 Palestinians killed in synagogue attack, Israeli police say.” Notice
the neutrality of who were the victims and were who the attackers. I doubt that
this is not what the Israeli police said. I am pretty sure they said what
happened, who the terrorist perpetrators were, and who the victims were. I am
also pretty sure that CNN knew this as they put out this feed which equates
Palestinian killers with Israelis (read “Jewish”) at prayer.
Another CNN headline said, “6
people killed…” again without differentiating between Palestinian
terrorists and Jewish victims.
CBS, Nora O’Donnell called the
Jerusalem synagogue attacked by hatchet-wielding Arabs a “contested
religious site.” Here is what she said;
“Two Palestinian attackers
died in a shootout with police. It happened at a contested religious site in
Notice she listed the two dead
Palestinians. No mention of murdered Israelis or Jews. No mention of the site
of the massacre being a synagogue. To her it was a “contested religious
site.” Her viewers may be forgiven for assuming that, with the opening
words referring to Palestinians, the religious site would be a mosque, not a
Jewish synagogue.
CBS later failed to air footage
of Palestinian Arabs dancing and celebrating the slaughter of Jews in
The Irish Times led their report
with the headline, “Four killed in attack on Jerusalem synagogue,”
thereby failing to identify the attackers and the victims in yet another bland
neutral banner. Later, it was amended to
“five killed” as further reports came in. At the foot of their article
they arbitrarily pegged this incident to the murder of a Palestinian teenager
back in July, quoting unnamed “residents” as their source. The Irish Times made no reference to the ongoing
religious-based incitement emanating from the Palestinian Authority as being a
more feasible spark for the synagogue massacre.
Similar headlines came from Sky
News, “Six dead after Jerusalem synagogue attack.” Again, no
identification, in their headline, that the majority of the dead were Jews.
Compare that with Sky headlines during the recent Gaza conflict. Most of their reports
named Palestinians as casualties. “Five Palestinians killed in Gaza strike.”
“Gaza: 100 Palestinian killed in one day.” Their headlines in Jerusalem
failed to identify the perpetrators where, in their Gaza reporting, they fell
over themselves to include ‘Israel” into headlines of the military aspect of
the conflict. They did it even when it was Hamas that repeatedly reignited the
violence as in “Israel resumes assault on Gaza as truce ends.”
The media knee-jerk response that
gives no credit to Israel is troubling. It has become stock in trade journalism
to position headlines and lead-ins as Israel’s fault, granting Palestinians a
get-out-of-jail free card, or sterilizing the story intro to a moral equivalence
between intentional Palestinian murderers and Israeli victims that deprives the
readers or viewers of basic truths. As I write in my book, it is a media in the
service of Israel’s enemies.
The hypocrisy behind such
reporting by British, Canadian, and American media sources is that their
reporting is completely different and to the point when their countries are hit
with similar terrorism.
It is only then that they find
their journalistic moral compass when reporting the news.
Barry Shaw. “Israel Reclaiming
the Narrative.”
Thursday 13 November 2014
UK's Yachad, Jerusalem, and the consequences for Judaism.
The Yachad platform of supporting a Two-State Solution is
not a fluid amorphous position.
The majority of Israelis are pro-peace and support the
rights of Palestinians to a state of their own. Even our Prime Minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu, publicly supports the notion of Two States for Two Peoples.
The problem is agreeing where that Palestinian state should
be based. It is here that the likes of Yachad become dangerous mixers in a
delicate battle for rights and legitimacy.
According to them Israel has no legitimacy beyond what are
considered 1967 borders. You can see evidence of that in their references to
“illegal settlements” and “occupied Palestinian land.”
Once Yachad establishes that Israel is illegal beyond 1967
lines they also define east Jerusalem, with its centrality to Judaism, as
illegal. They make great issue of the “crime” of Jews buying and living
in Jerusalem locations that were once Jewish, places like Shimon Hazadik with the tomb
of Simeon the Just, and in Silwan which was once the residence of Yemenite Jews
before they were driven out of their homes by the Arabs and Jordanians. They
would stop the excavations in the City of David just outside the walls of the
Old City, excavations that prove the Jewish history, heritage and construction
of ancient Jerusalem.
East Jerusalem includes the Old City of Jerusalem. In real
estate terms, according to Palestinians and Yachad, properties such as the
Hurva Synagogue, David’s Tomb, the Western Wall, the Temple Mount, the Mount of
Olives, even the Rockefeller Museum, Hadassah Hospital, and the Hebrew
University are located in “Palestinian” east Jerusalem.
This surely must outrage all British rabbis, and you. Yachad ignores Palestinian voices against Jews, Jewish heritage, belonging and legitimacy in pursuit of a solution that brings doom to Jews and Israel. Yachad would sell our birthright cheaply to appease Palestinian demands in the name of peace and in the name of being pro-Israel.
If Yachad had their way, their new version of the Haggada
would not end with the words “Next Year in a Rebuilt Jerusalem” but with
the words “Next Year in a Divided Jerusalem.”
Under a Hamas-led Palestinian Jerusalem, will Jews once
again be forced to pray towards our Temple Mount from outside the walls of the
Old City as we were forced to do by the Jordanians between 1948-1967?
There is much much more that is abhorrent about Yachad’s
platform against Israel. But this central issue of Jerusalem exposes for
rabbis, and anyone truly caring about the defense and significance of the
Jewish state, the core reason why Yachad cannot be the official voice of the
British Jews.
The depth of this issue is that once Jews have relinquished
ownership and legitimacy to the land, relinquished the centrality of our Jewish
heritage and treasure in Jerusalem to Palestinians, then all that is left
is a rump secular state that, according to ongoing Arab ambitions is the
remnant of a Palestine which belongs to them and must be liberated by them. At
such a time it will be tenuous for Israelis to claim that the majority of its
people are Jewish. We would, by then, have surrendered our soul.
The Palestinian leadership already call Israeli Arabs “the
Palestinians of the Interior,” and they intend to come and liberate them and to
reclaim the holy towns of Jaffa, Haifa, and the Galilee.
What then, Yachad? What then, rabbis who support Yachad?
Monday 10 November 2014
Palestinian leadership adopt Islamic State-type lone wolf terror attacks.
Palestinian leadership adopt Islamic
State-type lone wolf terror attacks.
In US and UK, these are called 'home-grown' terrorists. Here they are initiated and incited by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas leadership.
In US and UK, these are called 'home-grown' terrorists. Here they are initiated and incited by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas leadership.
This is the Palestinian regime that the world insists Israel
surrender land and its security to accommodate!
Yet another terror attack, this time at
Alon Shvut. Young girl stabbed in the neck by Palestinian attacker. Two others
injured in the attack. The Arab was shot by an on-duty security guard.
Personal admission. I have family at Alon Shvut.
Personal admission. I have family at Alon Shvut.
This follows the stabbing
of a 20 year old soldier, stabbed several times in Tel Aviv. He is in Tel
HaShomer Hospital in serious condition. He and the medical team are fighting
for his life. Two others are receiving treatment in Ichilov Hospital.
The terrorist, an 18 year old Palestinian from Shechem affiliated with Hamas, fled the scene but was trapped and arrested after a struggle by Shin Bet agents and special police officers in a building near a Tel Aviv train station.
He was taken to Ichilov Hospital for medical treatment and will be interrogated by intelligence officers.
The terrorist, an 18 year old Palestinian from Shechem affiliated with Hamas, fled the scene but was trapped and arrested after a struggle by Shin Bet agents and special police officers in a building near a Tel Aviv train station.
He was taken to Ichilov Hospital for medical treatment and will be interrogated by intelligence officers.
Barry Shaw
Friday 7 November 2014
Mahmoud the denier.
Mahmoud Abbas, this Holocaust denier, this Jewish history
denier, this Jewish presence denier, this Jew denier, is not a moderate
peace-maker. He is a Jewish State denier. He perpetrates the Arab ambition of a
world without Israel, just as his predecessor, Arafat, before him.
Simply put, he like Hamas, he like the wider Islamic world,
advocates, educates, and incites for a Greater Palestine.
If Jews who advocated a Greater Israel were perceived as beyond
the pale, as radical right-wing fanatics who must be denied so must Abbas be
seen as a radical right-wing fanatic, beyond the pale, who must be denied his long
term ambition.
The fault line is not a resolute Israel rejecting peace. That
notion is untrue. Rather it is a rejectionist Abbas that incites for a state
without Jews and a world without a Jewish state, an Abbas who partners with the
deadly terror regime of Hamas.
Based on this harsh
truth why would it be right to demand of a nation, to make drastic territorial
concessions, even into the streets of Jerusalem, its capital city? Does this
make any sense to any reasonable person? But this is what is being demanded of Israel.
The world is better
advised to support Israel’s vital security needs, to see the dangerous
character of a devious Palestinian leadership that says one thing to the
international community, and something completely different to its own people.
Indeed, the major partner in a Palestinian unity government openly tells the
international community that its aim is the eventual annihilation of Israel and
the murder of Jews. It states it clearly in its founding charter.
It is here that the fault lies, not in the liberal democracy that is
Barry Shaw is the author of ‘Israel Reclaiming the Narrative.’
Thursday 6 November 2014
The Board of Deputies of British Jews is shortly to vote
whether to accept the British equivalent of JStreet into their ranks.
In May of this year, the American Jewish Organizations
rejected JStreet as being anti-Israel. Yachad, like JStreet, claim to be pro-Israel
and pro-peace, even as they campaign against Israel in a divisive manner that
is the antithesis of pro-peace.
If Yachad and their BOD supporters were truly pro-Israel and
pro-peace they would have led the rally in support of Israel outside the
Israeli embassy when Israel was attacked by Palestinian rockets and terrorists
last summer. Instead, they were missing.
If Yachad and their BOD supporters were truly pro-Israel and
pro-peace they would be speaking out right now condemning the Mahmoud Abbas
inspired incitement to terror and violence that is killing and wounding
Israelis in Jerusalem. Instead they are silent.
Yachad and their Board of Deputies supporters display all
the symptoms of an abusive husband. They tell us that they love us even as they
are attacking and abusing us.
This type of love we can do without. Say NO to Yachad!
Instead, the Board voters are for a Yachad that knowingly hosted
a radical fringe group that calls Israeli soldiers and the IDF “criminals,” and
they deliberately did it on Israel’s Independence Day when all Israelis were
honouring our fallen heroes. How insulting and so anti-Israel is that?
Board of Deputies voters support a Yachad that provocatively
brings groups on field trips to a West Bank village supporting Palestinian
claims that are being adjudicated in the Israeli Supreme Court. Do they think
Israeli judges will be swayed by Yachad’s biased demonstrations? And what of
Yachad’s propaganda tours if the judges find the Palestinian claims are false,
as so many have proven to be in the past?
It comes down to a single truth that Yachad and their Board
supporters have decided to prejudge against any and all Israeli rights and
legitimacy that are part of a difficult and lengthy negotiation process with a
violence and rejectionist Palestinian leadership. It comes down to Yachad and
Board members taking a particular political stand against Israel by accepting
that all of Judea & Samaria and parts of Jerusalem are “occupied” and
Israel’s presence is “illegal” no matter what Israel says or whatever
legal proof Israel can provide to the contrary.
At a 2012 SOAS panel discussion they shared with the BDS
Movement the leader of Yachad said, “I didn’t tell anyone here not to
support BDS….I agree with you that a unified Palestinian strategy is hugely
As such, they are knowingly weakening Israel’s position in
peace talks with the Palestinians. How anti-Israel and anti-peace is that?
Those who say that Yachad should be welcomed into the Board
of Deputies in the name of freedom of speech are wrong. Yachad’s speech will be
broad cast externally, not within the Board chamber. A vote for Yachad will
grant them license to continue their anti-Israel anti-peace campaigning in the
official name of British Jewry.
Is this what you really want if you are truly pro-Israel and
pro-peace? Can you really vote for such a group to speak out publicly in the name of British Jews?
Barry Shaw. Author of ‘Israel Reclaiming the
Wednesday 5 November 2014
Yachad chips away at Israel’s security.
Yachad is a Jewish group in Britain
akin to JStreet in America. Like JStreet, it claims to be pro-Israel.
says it supports a Two-State Solution. Nothing new about that. Even Israel’s
Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has publicly stated he accepts a Two States
for Two Peoples solution to the Israel-Palestinian issue, one that is based on
mutual recognition, recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people in
return for their commitment to live in peace alongside the Jewish State.
The problem is that groups like
Yachad fail to face up to the fact that what is missing is not the first half
of Bibi’s essential condition, but the latter, the part where a Palestinian
leadership must recognize and commit to the existence of the Jewish State of
Israel and is prepared to live with it in peace and security.
This is the key for guaranteeing
Israel’s security, and it is singularly lacking.
It is an issue that is waved
aside as irrelevant by those who rush a Two State Now agenda. They presuppose
that Israel needs to withdraw from territory in the West Bank and east
Jerusalem. If not, Israel will be to blame for the consequences. If only life
were that simple.
There is no resolution, no treaty
that demands of Israel to withdraw from all territory over non-existent 1967
borders. None. It has been patently clear for decades that Israel would retain
territory, even if a deal could be reached with a future, more pragmatic,
Palestinian leadership. That day is yet to come and, until it does, Israel is
required to hold on to essential territory, and even strengthen it, for the
sake of its vital security.
This is the significant
difference between an Israeli perspective and the mistaken one of people that
support groups like Yachad.
They think that Israel will get
security if it surrenders land, according to Palestinian and Yachad demands.
Not true. Not only is it not true, it is a fatal notion - fatal for Israel,
that is. One only has to look at the
result of Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza to see proof of the flaw of such a
naïve notion. One only has to look at the current Palestinian leadership to
realize how dangerous this fatal step would be for Israel.
Is there anybody who witnessed
what transpired out of Gaza last summer who still thinks that Hamas would
transform into a liberal democratic peaceful party if only Israel were to make
way for them? For, as surely as night follows day, Hamas, by ballot or by
bullet, will usurp power in any future Palestinian state as they did in Gaza.
What then?
What then when Yachad has forced
Israel out of crucial strategic territory including the heights above Ben
Gurion Airport, to a narrow nine mile coastal corridor between Tulkarm and
Netanya on the Mediterranean Sea, and facing Hamas on the streets of Jerusalem?
What then when Yachad would have,
like other dangerously misguided altruists, hacked and chipped away at Israel’s
fingers, fingers desperately holding on to its security safety-belt of
strategic territory until we meet a strong pragmatic Palestinian leader who can
deliver peace and security for both peoples?
Faced with the real Palestinian
intent, what then when a rampant Palestinian entity, on the tailwind of
international support and Islamic resurgence, demands the liberation of the
rest of their “stolen holy land from the Zionists,” meaning what is left
of the Jewish rump state?
What then when the new
Palestinian regime will tell Israeli Arabs living in Jaffa, Haifa, Akko, and
the Galilee – what today they call the “Palestinians of the Interior” –
that they are coming to liberate them, as the current Fatah-led Palestinian
Authority do in their official statements and media? Where will Yachad and their supporters be
then when Hamas continues its conquest of Palestine, as it surely will? Will
they show guilt and express remorse for their mistaken pressure on Israel as a
desperate reduced nation valiantly tries to resist Palestinian terror without
the safety belt of territory?
Israel is not obligated to
withdraw from territory until a final permanent agreement is reached between
the parties. This is unlikely in the near future, in light of the reality of
our Palestinian adversaries. Neither side of the current Palestinian political
divide can offer Israel a genuine peace. Instead, they plot and scheme to
destroy Israel in stages, and by violence if necessary. This is no secret. It
is out there in the Palestinian public space, if only groups like Yachad would
open their eyes to this reality.
Yachad deceptively says it opposes BDS, but they are quoted as saying they
“do not support new investment inside the Israeli
controlled West Bank, including in East Jerusalem.” So they do
support BDS.
If groups like Yachad support a
Two-State solution and claim to be pro-Israel, they must rally to Israel’s
security needs and employ the patience required to achieve a lasting secure
future for Israel.
Barry Shaw is the author of ‘Israel
Reclaiming the Narrative.’ He is also the consultant on delegitimisation
issues to The Strategic Dialogue Center in Israel.
Monday 3 November 2014
The European Left attack Israel. They’re wrong, not right.
You would think that, with all the wholesale slaughter and
mayhem going on in the Middle East there would be lots of targets for European
politicians to vent their anger and frustration. Instead, these moral cowards
aim their political bile at one country only – Israel, the one shining light of
liberal democracy in the whole region.
Ed Miliband and his British Labour Party have made strenuous
efforts to take sides against Israel. With his public statements and his party’s
initiative for a backbench vote to recognize a Palestinian state he is leading
a party devoid of any realization of the type of regime they are promoting.
Neither do they care about sharing any of Israel’s genuine security concerns.
Then came a new Swedish government headed by a left wing
party, still wet behind the ears in governmental and diplomatic experience, pouncing
on the Palestinian issue by declaring their commitment to a Palestinian state.
Again, no mention of what Israel had experienced with a recent past of
Palestinian rejectionism, terrorism, rockets, and street violence.
They were followed by George Vella, the foreign minister of
the tiny Mediterranean island of Malta who, on a visit to Israel, began to
spout such total nonsense that it incensed both public and private Israelis.
His words echo the empty-headed beliefs of many left wing European politicians
and activists.
Calling Israel’s reaction to thousands of rockets and tens
of terror attack tunnels reaching into Israeli schools, homes, and
kindergartens, as “disproportionate” he said that Israel’s “disproportionate
reaction with thousands of people killed or injured, was something nobody could
Well, Mr Vella, I can explain, as can every single Israeli
and everyone who truly witnessed what happened last summer. It
was Palestinian rejectionism of Israel, Palestinian incitement verging
into anti-Semitism, Palestinian violence and terror, cynical Palestinian exploitation
of the people in Gaza, that led to and caused the human rights abuses, death
and injuries on both sides of the fifty day conflict.
For the Maltese
minister to say, as do a number of muddle-headed European politicians like
Miliband, that both sides were responsible for the death and destruction is
tantamount to saying that both the Germans and Britain were to be blamed for
World War Two.
Displaying the lack
of sympathy, understanding, and the tools to make an informed judgment or
contextual observation of what transpired in the Gaza conflict, Vella employed
the double standard typical of vacuous left wing politicians by claiming that
he expected more from Israel because “it
is more democratic…and because there is more stability.” Then he had the chutzpah to say he was not
being judgmental. He, like his European counterparts, come down on Israel like
a ton of bricks and gives Palestinian terrorism a pardon. In fact, rewards them
with official statements and resolutions pushing their cause without taking
Israel’s significant concerns into consideration. When one losing sight of
which side holds the moral high ground, and which is the malevolent perpetrator
of terrorism and rejectionism and determination to exterminate the other, one punishes
virtue and rewards criminality.
Back to Miliband. For a political leader who was so
forthcoming in condemning Israeli air strikes in Gaza which were in response to
thousands of Palestinian rockets fired into Israel, making much political
capital on casualty figures, it is surprising to learn that he was a vocal
supporter for British air strikes in Iraq. Why haven’t we heard a word about
the Iraqi casualties? Strange this is not
discussed at all in British, Swedish, Maltese media and political circles, don’t
you think? Or maybe there’s one rule for Israel, and another for the rest of
the world?
My question echoes what was asked by Israelis so often
during the terrorism we experienced recently. What would these countries
leaders have done had they experienced what we Israelis endured last summer?
Would Opposition leader Miliband have criticized the British government for
sending its air force to bomb terror targets or for sending its ground troops
to flush out the terrorists hiding among a densely populated area? Would the
new Swedish government refrain from using its military had Stockholm and the
whole of Sweden come under a daily bombardment of a hundred plus rocket attack?
I doubt it. Hence, their hypocrisy.
The main thrust of their separate, but shared, campaign is
to force Israel to surrender yet more land, as they did in the Gaza Strip, to
this malevolent Palestinian entity in the fool’s errand mission that such a
gesture will ensure peace. Halleluyah!
And they say Israel is wrong for not acceding to their
demand. My wife says that these politicians don’t have their feet firmly
planted on the ground, and their heads are in the clouds.
She’s right!
Barry Shaw is the author of ‘Israel Reclaiming the
Sunday 2 November 2014
Say “NO!” to Yachad!
The Board of Deputies of British Jews will
shortly meet to vote on the application of a group called Yachad to be accepted
into the representative body of British Jewry.
On July 20, The Board of Deputies of
British Jewry had been due to vote on admitting this group into its ranks. The
vote was deferred.
Allow me to describe Yachad.
Last Yom HaZikaron and Independence Day, while
Israelis and Jews worldwide were honouring the sacrifice of our fallen IDF
soldiers, Yachad was holding a conference that hosted an invidious group
of individuals that call soldiers of Israel’s Defense Forces “war
criminals.” This is the type of anti-Israel activity that Yachad
Last July 20 was a significantly sad day in
Israel’s war against Palestinian Islamic terror in Gaza. It was the day that we
buried four of our brave soldiers who died in defense of Israel. It was the day
that another seven, all members of the elite Golani Brigade, were killed.
Simply put, Yachad would gladly see Israel
pilloried on accusations of “war crimes,” based on its
Independence Day event. Is this the type of group you would
welcome into the tent of British Jewry, even in the name of “nuance” and “pluralism”?
I hope not.
And yet, this is the group, and this was the
day, that the Board of Deputies planned to vote into its ranks. For
They decided to delay this vote. Could its
deferral have been to delay it for a more convenient time when passionate support
for Israel, born out of the Gaza war inflicted on Israel, would have subsided,
and British Jews would not be paying such close attention?
Yachad heads its campaign manifesto with slogans like “We believe all people should have the right to live free from
fear and violence” and “We believe in Israel’s right not just to
exist but to flourish and we stand against those who defame it.” Yet, Yachad is not only a group that regularly defames Israel. It
actively promotes anti-Israel tours to the territories, as well as organizing events
that call our finest sons “war criminals.”
Trying to have it both ways, Yachad is full of double-speak. They
say they oppose BDS, but they also state they “do not support new
investment inside the Israeli controlled West Bank, including in East
Yachad supports a Palestinian unity government and demands that
Israel engages with Hamas. Hamas engaged with us this summer. Well
done, Yachad!
Yachad fund numerous “educational” trips to Judea
& Samaria, known to them as “the West Bank”. Their guides
include a member of the infamous fringe group Breaking the Silence. On
such radical groups, the reputation of Yachad hangs. Even the
left-wing Ha’Aretz newspaper called Breaking the Silence as
having “a clear political agenda, and can no longer be classed as a ‘human
rights organization.’’’
As founder of the Netanya Terror Victims Organization, nobody dare
tell me that checkpoints are not an essential security requirement for the
citizens of Israel. As far as my research took me, I could find no such
Yachad-funded “educational” visits to Israeli terror victims.
Had they done so they might get a different Israeli perspective of the
need for security and check posts. Their actions over here are entirely
pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel.
UK Jewry should be Israel’s “Iron Dome” against
the British snipers that target Israel. Yachad is one of those snipers.
Should Yachad be accepted into the body of official British Jewry
their sponsored anti-Israel activities will be seen as representing the opinion
of British Jews.
Should the vote be allowed to pass, British Jews will be ashamed
of the statement and actions of a group that they will have allowed to be
represented within the Board of Deputies of British Jews. British Jews will
regret the day that they failed to speak up and request that their BoD
representative vote against accepting Yachad into its ranks
July 20 was also the day when thousands of
British Jews were rallying outside the Israeli Embassy in London in support of
an Israel under attack from Palestinian rockets and terrorists. Absent
from this rally was the leader of the so-called “pro-Israel” Yachad.
Its leader, Hannah Weisfeld, falsely claims to
represent “the silent majority” of British Jews. She does not.
She simply represents a well-financed fringe group. They failed dismally when
the Zionist Federation, aware of their true colours, soundly rejected them. Now
she wants to speak in the name of the Jewish community by entering into the
Board of Deputies. This must not be allowed.
Members of Yachad, like JStreet in America,
claim to be “pro-Israel”, even as they actively act against
the Israel. JStreet was soundly rejected by the American Jewish
Congress. Yachad must be equally rejected by the Board of Deputies of British
British Jews, who have taken to the streets
and raised their voices in support of Israel, must now focus their attention on
the BoD vote and encourage them to reject Yachad’s application to infiltrate
into the mainstream body of British Jewry.
This is the time when British Jews must tell
the Board of Deputies to reject the application of Yachad. Do not give Yachad
the respectability they don’t deserve.
If the Board of Deputies votes to accept
Yachad as an official and integral voice of the British Jewish community, it
will be a day of infamy.
There should be no place within mainstream
British Jewry for any Jewish group that demonises and delegitimises the Jewish
State of Israel.
Instead of Yachad outlawing Israel, Yachad
itself must be outlawed.
One of the reasons given for Board of Deputy delegates to
vote on Yachad's application is that they are a Jewish group. This is a shallow reason to
allow them into the body of mainstream British Jewry, especially as mainstream
British Jews are appalled at their anti-Israel actions.
being Jewish was the main reason to accept them then surely 'Jewish Voices
for Palestine' and even 'Jews for Jesus' would also be eligible for
at a time when rank and file Jews, up and down Britain, feel that BOD do not
speak or act for them on Israel, they have created local grassroots pro-Israel
organisations to fill the vaccum of a governing body that has deserted them.
Board of Deputies must be seen supporting the clear feelings of the majority of
the people they were sent to represent. These people object to radical Jewish groups
such as Yachad.
Board of Deputies must consider the dangers to Israel if Yachad is accepted
into their governing body and then speaks and acts in the name of official
mainstream British Jewry.
must NOT be allowed to happen.
of ‘Israel Reclaiming the Narrative.’
of the Netanya Terror Victims Organisation.
November 2. The Balfour Declaration.
Today is the date in 1917 that the Balfour
Declaration was signed whereby the British Government looked in favor of the
establishment of the Jewish national home in Palestine.
That was the conventional wisdom at that time.
The Balfour Declaration was to see its principles enshrined into international legitimacy at the 1922 League of Nations in which the Mandate for Palestine granted the re-establishment of the national home of the Jewish people.
This Treaty is as binding today as are all the other Mandates that received their birthrights from this League of Nations congress. Nations such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, even Hungary and Austria derive their legitimacy from these Mandates. You do not see anyone demonstrating opposition to their establishment.
None of the other Mandates stipulated
to whom the mandate was granted. The Mandate for Palestine was the only one
that specified to which national group the mandate was designed to create,
namely the Jewish people.
The recent British Parliamentary vote must be seen in the light of Balfour, San Remo and the League of Nations. As such it serves to dishonor the British who have a history of duplicity when it comes to the Jewish homeland.
This duplicity follows the behavior
of the Arabs.
When Emir Faisal was anxious to grab
a portion of the land of the defeated Ottoman Empire, having seen Syria and
Iraq go to his Arab kin and rivals, he made a public pact with Chaim Weizmann
in which, in 1919, he wrote “The Arabs admit the moral claims of the Zionists.
They regard the Jews as kinsmen whose just claims they would be glad to see
satisfied. No true Arab can be suspicious of Jewish nationalism and I say to
the Jews - Welcome back home!"
In an act of dishonor
to their own Declaration and commitment to the League of Nations Mandate,
Winston Churchill carved out 77%,a major
part of Mandated Palestine, to appease a threatening Emir Abdullah. Churchill
forced through an amendment to the British Mandate dividing it into two
administrative areas, namely west of the Jordan River to become the national
home of the Jewish people and the east of the river to become TransJordan under
the rule of the Hashemite family from Saudi Arabia. The amendment stated that
the TransJordan part of Palestine was to be except from the Mandate provisions
for a Jewish national home.
This injustice to the
Jewish people has never been compensated. The opposite is true. Despite this unilateral
sacrifice the Jewish State of Israel has always been hit upon for even more
land concessions. The Arabs were given Jordan, the bulk of Mandated Palestine
as well as territory which is today Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. Even Saudi Arabia
obtained its independence as a result of the death of the Ottoman Empire and
the post-Mandate political effect in the region, aided by Britain. Who can say
that the Arabs were not more than adequately accommodated as a result of the
fall of the Ottoman Empire and the division of the region? It has been the Jews
that have not had their legitimacy accepted to this day.
Under their Mandated
power the British prevented Jewish immigration into the land designated as their
national home. In cruel incidents, the British deported arriving escapees from
Nazi Germany back into the jaws of the Holocaust.
Since that time we
have seen a history of constant violent attempts by the Arabs to destroy what
was left of a Jewish State that transformed into the State of Israel. The
British prevented the nascent Jewish State from arming themselves when faced by
invading Arab armies which they armed and trained.
Rather than support
the rightful and sovereign claims of Israel, the Europeans, now including a
section of the British Parliament, is chipping away at Israel’s legitimacy in
favor of a dubious entity that, given its dismal track record, shows no sign of
living in peace alongside Israel, but instead has denounced the Balfour
Declaration and all past history and present facts that give legitimacy to a
Jewish State anywhere in the Middle East.
Let me state it
clearly. No subsequent treaty, or legally binding resolution, has ever replaced
the absolute international legitimacy that was granted to the Jewish nation in
the 1922 League of Nations Mandate to which the Balfour Declaration was a precursor.
What the British
morally gave ninety seven years ago, they are immorally degrading today.
Barry Shaw is the
author of ‘Israel Reclaiming the Narrative.’ He is a member of the Knesset Forum on Israel’s
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